Monday, September 3, 2012

Car Rides With My Baby

It seems my son has been saying the darnedest things lately, so I thought that I would keep track of a few little gems on this blog :)  Most of these happened in the care and in the last day or so, but I just haven't gotten around to typing them up.  A few are a little older, but still pretty good (or so I think, but perhaps I am biased).


While driving home from daycare the other day, he asked me, "Can a cow hang out with us?" When I asked him where we would put the cow and said that we didn't have enough room, he replied, "Yeah, because it will toot a lot and it will be stinky!"

While laying in bed, reading a bedtime book, I noticed that he had a small toy in his hand--something that isn't allowed at bedtime (I'm afraid he's going to inadvertently choke or poke his eye out in his sleep).  I held my hand out for him to give it to me, and in an attempt to not be in trouble (which he wasn't, anyway) he said, "Would you please hold my item?  I don't want to lose it."  I made him repeat himself.  I'm like, "Item???"  

My son is known for being a bit on the gassy side.  Yesterday he kept letting silent-but-deadly fluffs in the car.  After I asked him (probably for the tenth time) if he'd just let one, he asked, "Mama, why am I tooting so much?!"  

DS has been on this whole "him vs. her" kick.  He's constantly asking, "Am I a him?  Are you a her?"  He generally accepts the fact that he is a "him," but sometimes whines about it.  When I replied to his question by telling him that he is a "him," he started crying "Noooo!!!" from the backseat. When I asked if he was a girl and he said yes, I started to argue and was told, "But I'm a pretend girl!"

Here I have to admit something shameful and bachelor-like:  I pretty much hate wearing clothes when I'm in the house.  I am not a nudist, by any means, but I often lose the pants when I walk in the door.  I also take a while getting dressed after showers, provided I have nowhere to go.  Yesterday, I was putting on my make-up in my underwear, and the girls were kind of hanging out the way they do (you ladies probably know what I'm talking about).  DS walks in the bathroom, bats at Mrs. Right like he's a cat pawing a mouse, and says, "Your breasts are so lovely!"

A couple days ago, we were getting ready to go somewhere, and when I started the car, NPR was on the radio.  (This is pretty normal--I don't listen to much besides classical if my son is around.)  I don't even remember what was playing...I think it was probably a Romantic-era symphony.  Baby says, "I LOVE this song!"  Aww...warmed his mama's musician's heart <3

DS has been asking me fifty times a day, "How do you spell _____?"  Yesterday I got asked to spell the following (so short) words:
Phineas and Ferb
Peanut Butter Ball
Wallace and Gromit

What happened to kids asking "How do you spell milk?  How do you spell cat?  How do you spell dog?"  I'm sorry, but I am getting tired of the alphabet.

When we are listening to NPR, either in the car or at home, I often ask my son to identify the type of instrument that is playing.  Yesterday in the car he identified a clarinet (Mama's second-favorite instrument to play!) and then asked me, "What comes after clarinet?"  Last night, while laying in bed and listening to the radio, he identified a guitar and asked "What comes after guitar?"  I am starting to think we need to quit playing the "What comes after Tuesday, Wednesday, etc." and "What comes after twenty-six?" games.  Not everything is sequential.

Or is it?

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