Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Resolutions: To Make or Not to Make?

Catching up on The Pagan Experience:  Week 1 (a couple of weeks late)

Writing Prompt for January 5:  Resolutions
What are your intentions for this new year?  How will you find the resolve to bring them into your manifest life?  

Let me begin by saying that I've never really made your typical "New Year's Resolution(s)."  For starters, I can barely plan a week ahead in time, let alone an entire year ahead.  (Maybe that's something to put on the list, eh?)  Even making a 30-day commitment to a set of small, self-improvement activities is proving to be challenging, and...let me check:  I'm barely a week in.  Not doing so hot.  Also, I have set a few financial and personal goals in the past, but nothing ever really comes to fruition, and then I end up worrying that I'm setting the bar too high for myself, which in-turn leads to me disappointedly saying "eff this mess."  (Pessimist much?!)  

I can't say that I am a stalwart adherent to the Law of Attraction, but I do believe it holds weight, and I also know that my thoughts are often of the self-sabotaging variety.  

Disclaimer aside, I will try to lay out my basic "intentions" for 2015 in this post.  In bold you will see the bare-bones, generic-sounding intentions, but I will try to expound on them a bit. 

Intention #1:  Be the best me that I can be.

-Be the best wife and mother I can be.  (Those two things could take up their own blog post or twenty.)
-Be healthy (eat better, exercise more), but also don't beat myself up for those occasional poor choices.

-Work harder and be a lot more on-top-of-things at my job than in the past (I feel like I half-ass a lot of stuff, and I need to STAHP IT).  
-Make more time for myself to do "me things."  Reading, writing, sewing, peeing without a toddler trying to climb on my lap.
-Grow my business?  (Is it bad to put a question mark at the end of a goal?)
-QUIT SELF-SABOTAGING (with that darn upspeak I just did).  

Intention #2:  Get back into a better place with my spirituality and practice.

-Study (which I've already been doing a little bit of...yay!).

-Do shadow work (marriage seems to be aiding me in this, actually).
-Journal (working on it).
-Divine (just work with my Tarot more, in general).
-Blog (working on it).
-PRACTICE (gosh, it's been a while!).  
-Also:  Because I now live only a couple/few hours from it, I want to attend an event at Circle Sanctuary.  *crosses fingers*
-More on Intention #2:  I've really fallen away from the Pagan world in the last couple of years, and though I have missed it very much, it's only been in the last month or so that I've really felt the call to do something about it.  I miss my online Pagan community, because, let's face it:  most of us don't have a physical place where we can regularly (as in, more than a few times a year) meet up and discuss our spiritual practices, beliefs, etc. with people of similar mindsets.  (If you do, then consider yourself lucky!)  For us, that place basically has to be online.  (Although, I also don't want to get to a place where I start to associate my spiritual practice too much with being online, but I'm sure somebody will stop me if I get out of control...again, that's another post.)  

I am pretty positive that all of these things will feed into one another, because that's how they tend to be now.  I know from previous experience that I am more productive (and probably easier to be around) when I'm healthy in mind, body, and spirit.  I should probably make Intention #3:  SLEEP.  A working mother without sleep is not a thing to be in 2015!  Sleep = energy.  Energy = clarity +focus. Clarity + focus = achieving my goals.

Here's to catching some ZzzzZzzzZzzz's in the next twelve months!!! :D



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