Well, that was quite the hiatus! Two years and no blogging for La Panda. So much has happened since you last heard from me, and during that time I kept telling myself that I was going to participate in The Pagan Blog Project. We see how that turned out, eh? A few weeks ago I started feeling super-Pagan, and thought I'd get to writing on my blog again. "Aha! The New Year is a perfect time to start the Blog Project!" I thought. However, when I went to the page, I was saddened to see that it's time had come to an end, but luckily, after a quick Google search, I happened upon The Pagan Experience. This is looking like it might be a good fit for me, so here I am, giving 'er a try.
Before I make a TPE post, I'd just like to update the world about what's been going on en mi vida. Long story short: I moved to another state, hung out with my "friend" who'd lived next door to me when we were in high school, felt more than I've ever felt before, broke up with my boyfriend, and decided to spend the rest of my live-long life with Neighbor Boy. That said, I married the love of my life (I think I'll just go ahead and say it: "Twin Flame") two summers ago, and now we are the happy parents of a six-year old and a one-year old. I love my little family beyond measure!
As far as being Pagan is concerned, well...I've stayed Pagan and (somewhat) maintained this blog's Facebook page, but that's about it. Getting married and becoming a mother times two has resulted in me unintentionally straying from my path, as well as communing online with other Pagans, and I sorely miss everything I used to do. My blogging and YouTube videos came to a pretty abrupt halt, although the latter was less because of family and more for reasons related to the possible repercussions of my threatening my day job by showing my Pagan face in public.
Also, the members of my marriage are still getting used to being an "interfaith couple." I am finally, very slowwwwly working up my courage to be comfortable with my religion and anything that might entail--be it blogging, journaling, lighting candles, smudging, or anything else witchy--in front of my husband. Our differing beliefs are definitely a topic for a totally different day, but suffice it to say that while we are accepting of one another's religious choices, sometimes I think we both think the other party is a bit kooky. (I can live with that though--everybody's a little kooky! ;) )
Anyway, this is probably enough catching up for now. I just wanted to let you all know that this Pagan Mama is still here and that she's ready to start communicating with the outside world again.
P.L. the P.M.
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